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Understand your customer data and act on it

Customer Relationship Management. Made for Self-Storage.

Our audience dashboard shows you pre-built segments like recent sources for renters, common tags, and even customer lifetime value (CLV).

App screenshot

"CRM applications can help increase sales by up to 29%, sales productivity by up to 34% and sales forecast accuracy by 42%."

How it Works

Understand your lead source

Leads & Reservations

When a potential tenant calls, you don't know how they heard about your facility or what caught their attention. You shouldn't have to assume. Understand all of your lead sources such as websites, listing services and/or call centers. Convert more leads into reservations and always know who you’re talking to—even as your audience evolves.

Track ROI & get to know your renters

Audience Insights & Rich Customer Profiles

You're spending money on marketing efforts to attract an audience just to know nothing about them or your ROI. You shouldn't have to overspend on marketing channels or guess how your customers feel. OpenUnit's insights will help you discover patterns in customer behavior and see what’s working with your marketing channels. Profile enrichment and reporting capabilities increase KPIs like average customer value, net promoter score, and advertising ROI through personalization. Get to know your renters from a bird's eye view or at an individual level —simple, powerful, and accessible from any device.

Keep the conversation going

Automated Email Follow-up

After speaking with a potential tenant you may not have the time to follow-up right away. Whether you hired staff or it's all on you - you shouldn't have to worry about losing a potential renter over an email. OpenUnit makes it easy to set up automations to constantly stay in touch with customers. After someone inquires about your facility, send a follow‑up to keep your brand top of mind or offer a promotion. No matter how much you have on your plate - keep the conversation going.

Track customer engagement

Real-Time Customer Activity Timeline

You shouldn't have to start from square one every time you receive an inquiry from a lead. The activity feed feature on OpenUnit displays a visual timeline of your customers's engagement across all of your marketing channels. If you received an inquiry from a renter through your website, or they came through a marketing channel, the activity feed acts as the source of truth for each customer. No matter the size of your business, always stay one step ahead.

Software that manages your CRM — so you don't have to.

More than just management software.

Call Tracking

Automate expense reporting with cards and software that work together to save hundreds of hours each month.

Customer Relationship Management

Automate expense reporting with cards and software that work together to save hundreds of hours each month.

Online Rentals

Automate expense reporting with cards and software that work together to save hundreds of hours each month.

Payment Processing

Automate expense reporting with cards and software that work together to save hundreds of hours each month.

Real-time Reporting

Automate expense reporting with cards and software that work together to save hundreds of hours each month.

Team communications

Automate expense reporting with cards and software that work together to save hundreds of hours each month.